
Welcome to Antwerp Verified

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 525 street art masterpieces.


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Recently added artworks

Chiuwawa - Simian SwitchDogfightSeafood noodle letter soup The collectorOth to CreationMr. Cartoon & Estevan OriolUntitledStreet DreamsHalfFearDe KiekeboesUntitledDe KiekeboesDe KiekeboesDe KiekeboesUntitledUntitledUntitledUntitledKroonjuwelen in Deurne - UntitledButterflyUntitledUntitledMotorgodEverybody's CrazyMeeting of Styles 2023 - UntitledHavenmuur Antwerpen - UntitledHavenmuur Antwerpen - UntitledHavenmuur Antwerpen - FloatiesHavenmuur Antwerpen - UntitledHavenmuur Antwerpen - You reap what you sowHavenmuur Antwerpen - CharacterHavenmuur Antwerpen - TributeHavenmuur Antwerpen - Sealife MuralHavenmuur Antwerpen - Time For a Swim!The future in your handsHotUntitledEvilCritcal MassFleksmachine UntitledUntitled

Our favorite places

Tour ElentrikDe WieuwKroonjuwelen in DeurneHavenmuur Scheldelaan AntwerpenMeeting of Styles BelgiumThe Red Lion Art HouseBar leonlittle BUNA-Stayonroerend goed Legal wall BerchemStreet Art ToursMekanik StripAntwerp City HostelHoboken legal wallArtifex Street Art GalleryLuchtbal StationZulma Coffeebar
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